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제 15 호 How Do You Think of Private Planes?

  • 작성일 2022-08-31
  • 좋아요 Like 0
  • 조회수 18915


How Do You Think of Private Planes?

A Problem of Overusing Private Planes

By Sol-Hyang Park, Editor-in-chief


  World-famous pop star Taylor Swift became the star who emitted the most carbon dioxide (CO2) this year. According to the Washington Post on July 30, the celebrity who emits the most carbon by private plane was Taylor Swift. Since January of this year, she has emitted 8,293 tons of carbon. She flew a total of 22,923 minutes with 170 flights - her average flight time is 80 minutes, and the average flight distance is about 224 km. This is a huge number, especially considering that she did not go on a world tour this year. Her spokesperson said, "Her private plane is regularly loaned out to other people, It is wrong to blame her for all of this.”

Increased Carbon Emissions Due to Excessive Use of Private Planes

  Airplanes emit a lot more carbon than other transportation methods. According to the European Environment Agency (EEA), the amount of carbon generated per passenger moving 1km is 14g for trains and 68g for buses, but 285g for airplanes. Especially, in the case of private planes, the carbon emission per capita is much higher than that of ordinary passenger planes.

However, the private plane business is booming in Hollywood after the COVID-19 pandemic. More celebrities are using private planes to prevent the risk of corona infection. According to sustainability-focused research firm ‘Yard’, on the 25th, many celebrities have emitted an average of 3376.64 tons of carbon from their private jets since January. A person using commercial airplanes emits 7 tons of carbon per year on average, whereas the celebrities used 482 times the annual average in about 7 months.

In addition to Taylor Swift, boxer Floyd Mayweather (7076.8 tons), singer rapper Jay-Z (6981.3 tons), former basketball player Arod (5342.7 tons), musician Blake Shelton (4495 tons), film director Steven Spielberg (4465 tons) , model Kim Kardashian (4268.5 tons), actor Mark Wahlberg (3772.85 tons), broadcast host Oprah Winfrey (3493.17 tons), model Kylie Jenner's husband, rapper Travis Scott (3033.3 tons), etc. were named as the top 10 people with the most carbon emissions.

Earth We Need to Protect Together

  As the environmental problems are arising with the use of such private planes, negative reactions such as “Does she live in the Earth alone?” “regulation is necessary such as imposing a carbon tax.” “I feel guilty about using air conditioning - they are nuisance to the earth.”

Infact, in a capitalist society, using a private plane with their own money is not a problem. Celebrities suffering from paparazzi often use private planes for safety reasons, and many CEOs also use private planes to save time in business.

However, we definitely need to think about the environment. The phrase 'save electricity and water', which has been heard since our childhood, does not come out without a reason. It is undeniably true that the Earth is ours, so we must protect the earth's environment for not only us now, but also for future generations as well. It is for this reason that ESG management of a company becomes essential, Starbucks straws are supplied with paper, and many fashion companies continue to use sustainable materials for making their products. 

Therefore, just as environmental regulations are applied to governments and companies, I think that making such regulations at the individual level is also a matter to be considered. For example, if more than a certain amount of carbon is emitted by the use of a private plane, a warning is given, and if the warning is severe, a certain amount of fine is imposed.

  For a long time, humans have been overexploiting nature. We will now have to solve the environmental problems caused by humans on our own - that is our role as humans. With some effort and practice, our surroundings will change little by little. Even if it is cumbersome, let’s try small actions such as using a tumbler rather than a plastic container, reducing unnecessary electricity and private planes - Let's preserve the beautiful planet by protecting with all efforts when it is possible.

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